Excited for the future of Harrow, Ramesh Kerai, Sunil Sharma, Ramesh Pindoria, and Centre Manager Pav Sarma, share the news of the latest franchise with The Massage Company, the brand revolutionising wellness by bringing high-quality massage to the mainstream.
Occasionally in business, the stars simply align and the four named above couldn’t agree more when it comes to their new foray into the wellness sector. Ramesh Kerai, London businessman with property management interests alongside food and drink outlets in North West and Central London, held a vision for a more clean, green, and sustainable business within his local community. After a personal cancer experience 13 years ago, followed by fusion surgery with decompression, and after being 3 months bedridden, massage was introduced to Ramesh as a vital recovery aid in his everyday life. He was smitten.
Ramesh Pindoria, and Sunil Sharma, share the same beliefs. “People care about Investment in their health, we all have gym memberships and first-hand knowledge of the physical and mental benefits it can bring, but this business is so, so, different to anything else on the market. A unique franchise opportunity, we wanted in!” stated Sunil Sharma. With a Masters in Operations Management from Durham University and having spent the last 11 years in the property industry, Sunil believes the concept of The Massage Company, ensuring regular massage is an essential part of everyday life will be music to the ears of the masses.
Lastly, although not least, frontman Pav Sarma who you will all get to meet very soon! An experienced Manager within the private sector fitness industry, and personal trainer, health and wellbeing has always been a primary focus throughout Pav’s career. “I have a genuine interest in people’s health,” said Pav. After having spent so many years in the leisure industry, and himself experiencing massage therapy once or twice each month for the past six years. “The Massage Company, with its 360 approaches to physical and mental health is revolutionary. Without regular massage, my body would be in pieces”.
The group on meeting with the founders Charlie Thompson [ex-Head of Health & Beauty of Virgin Active Group] and Elliot Walker [ex-Managing Director of Murad – now a Unilever brand]. Ramesh said “I’d considered expanding into the wellness sector years previously, however after my personal experience and rapid recovery from receiving massage I was more determined to open a business which would meaningfully enhance people’s lives. The uniqueness of the brand, potential for expansion, proven business model alongside community inclusion, had me sold!
Having resided and been in business in the area for over 30 years Ramesh holds a strong belief in the growth of the town and community, “We need to cover the next generation and my heart is firmly in Harrow. A franchise with The Massage Company was the way forward”.
The dynamic four believe the concept that The Massage Company, a young, entrepreneurial business model, has great things to offer, both now and in the future. “We’re starting in Harrow” said Sunil, however like our property businesses, some businesses are so commercially sound, they naturally expand. In today’s market where the consumer is savvier about their health, well-being, and positive lifestyle choices. A business which has a vision of bringing massage to the mainstream and contributing to the growth of a town centre is remarkable. Likely Harrow will be the first of our network of massage centres across London.
Elliot Walker Founder and CEO of The Massage Company states” In today’s marketplace where business start-ups can be tough, helping franchisees achieve success, by having a commercially viable model, we understand that ROI is crucial for business sustainability, that’s why we’re there every step of the way to support our franchisee’s. We look forward to the opening of The Massage Company Harrow.”
Currently The Massage Company has centres in London, the home counties, North West and Midlands. Ramesh concluded “We’re turning my vision of an eco-friendly, local business into a reality!” With an investment of over £25k for solar energy to run the centre the Team has always believed in strengthening the local community.
The Massage Company Harrow opens with a dedicated team of expert massage therapists, 15 treatment rooms including one double treatment room, at the prime location of Belmont Circle with free parking for one hour for 100 cars. The Fabulous Four are about to show Harrow what a great business model, expert massage specialists and a passion for health can bring to the local community. Ramesh believes incorporating regular massage into your routine is about to become as ordinary as your visit to the gym!